Friday, July 11, 2014

Critical Praise for Hitler's Orphan: Demetri of Kalavryta


"Congratulations for paying tribute in your writing to the spirit of heroism and readiness for sacrifices in defense of freedom."
                                                                                       -Archbishop Demetrios, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America

"It is a wonderfully powerful and poignant work. "
                                                                                            -Neil H. Greenberg, Esq.

"You went back in history of your own family, you went back in history of the whole country and brought back this very tragic yet very heroic and nation defining moment.  Your family will be thankful to you in generations ahead."
                                                                                                                                                                                      -Kate Knizhina

"The author got his message.. the meaning.. the jolt of emotion.. across to the reader with so few words that he has proven just what an exceptional writer he is!"

Monday, July 7, 2014

His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios Praises Hitler's Orphan: Demetri of Kalavryta

His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios Praises Hitler's Orphan: Demetri of Kalavryta

July 7, 2014-                       From the Letter dated June 23, 2014

June 23, 2014

Dear Mr. Zirogiannis,

      Thank you for the courtesy of forwarding to my attention the book you authored, Hitler's Orphan: Demetri of Kalavryta.  This period represents a truly tragic period in human history, but at the same time it reveals the true heroic character of our Greek nation.   Congratulations for paying tribute in your writing to the spirit of heroism and readiness for sacrifices in defense of freedom.

     May all your actions prosper as they deserve and the bountiful blessings of God be with you.

                                                                                With paternal love in Christ.

                                                                                 Archbishop Demetrios of America

                                                                                 Archbishop of America

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